Wikipedia Dominating Google’s People Also Ask Responses






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Surprise, surpise… Wikipedia is the number one source of information that comes up when you click on the people also ask feature within the Google Search results. People also ask is just another variation of a form of featured snippets, so this probably makes sense.

This is what the People also ask section looks like in Google Search:

Google People Also Ask

According to John Shehata’s NewzDash data, over the last 30 days, 16% of the people also ask responses were from Wikipedia. Then the next leader was which was 2%, then Britcannica at 1.7%, then YouTube at 1.6%. This data skews towards news sites, in all sections of health, national, sports, entertainment, business.

Here is the pie chart from John:

Newzdash Google Ppa

John wrote on X, “People Also Ask is a great feature that few SEOs pay attention to. And It is very important SERP feature to News Publishers for 3 reasons.”

  • The majority of sites that rank in PAA module are news publishers – and Wikipedia for sure – for news queries and entities.
  • It is a highly interactive module, every time you click one of the questions, it adds 2 more.
  • I read some study, can’t remember where, 50+% of all users who search interact with PAA

Forum discussion at X.

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