Pinterest Marketing Tips From the Pros [Infographic]






Looking to make Pinterest a bigger focus within your holiday marketing push this year?

You should probably consider it. Pinterest is now up to 518 million monthly active users, while it’s also seeing big growth among younger user groups, as more and more people turn to the app for shopping discovery.

It’s improving recommendation systems, and customizable search filters, provide more ways for people to find more accurate matches for their style, and with most users coming to the app with shopping intent, it could be a valuable driver for your business.

And if you are looking to put together a Pin marketing plan, this could help. The team from Tailwind recently spoke to Pinterest’s Madison Smith to get the lowdown on the latest trends, creative tips, ad notes, and more.

The Tailwind team has collected Smith’s top tips into this infographic.

You can tune into the full interview and read more of Smith’s insights here.

Pinterest tips infographic

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