Meta’s ad attribution update gives clearer view of conversions






Meta has introduced new attribution settings in its Ads platform, allowing advertisers to distinguish between all conversions and first-time conversions.

How it works. Advertisers can now choose between two attribution options:

  • All Conversions: Shows every conversion after an ad view or click
  • First Conversion: Displays only the first conversion after an ad view or click

Why we care. Advertisers have long struggled with discrepancies between Meta’s ad data and their own backend numbers. This update aims to bridge that gap, providing more accurate insights into ad performance and customer acquisition costs.

By the numbers. One advertiser found that Meta was counting about 25% of non-first purchases towards new customers, significantly inflating reported performance metrics.

Between the lines. Previously, Meta counted all conversions a user made after interacting with an ad, potentially including multiple purchases by the same customer. This led to inflated performance metrics and skewed customer acquisition costs.

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How to access. Advertisers can find the new feature in Ads Manager under Attribution settings, where they can select their preferred attribution window and conversion view.

What’s next. As advertisers begin to use these new attribution settings, we may see a shift in how businesses evaluate the effectiveness of their Meta ad campaigns and allocate their marketing budgets.

First seen. We discovered this update via Bram Van der Hallen on LinkedIn:

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