How to Find X Analytics in 2024 (Twitter)






Ever wondered if you’re getting the full picture of your social media performance? Let’s explore X analytics (Twitter analytics) and see how to find stats you can’t get on X analytics too.

Find Analytics on X:

  1. Subscribe to X Premium
  2. Click “X Premium” on the left panel
  3. Select “Analytics” under “Quick Access”
  4. View your basic engagement stats
X analytics steps to finding the dashboard. 

left menu settings, find X premium, then select analytics.

Simple, right? But did you know there are extra metrics that show your best and worst posts relating to each metric?

X analytics offers a quick glance at your performance, but they leave you with questions:

  • Who’s really engaging with your content?
  • What topics resonate most with your audience?
  • How do your posts perform over time?

Without answers to these questions, you’re essentially flying blind.

It’s like trying to navigate a ship with just a compass – you need a radar that provides real-time information about obstacles, currents, and even hidden opportunities ahead.

For example, take a peek at Fedica’s X analytics with unique demographic and user data not available on X, and also at a similar price point:

Alternative to X analytics that has extra abilities like user data, demographics, and filters with analytics per post in the same report. simple reporting with everything you need and more to grow.

How about Fedica’s comprehensive X analytics platform?

Here’s the additional metrics and filtering abilities that show you the path towards growth:

  • Deep audience insights (X demographics, interests, behaviors)
  • Detailed post performance metrics
  • Long-term trend analysis
  • Advanced filtering and sorting options

With this level of detail, you’re not just seeing numbers – you’re understanding the story behind them because you just need to add a keyword to see all related posts around that topic and know which ones gets engagement, views, clicks, etc.

You can identify what works, what doesn’t, and why. This insight is the key to refining your strategy and driving real growth.

If You Want X Analytics to Actually Help You Grow:

If you’re intrigued by the power of advanced filterable X analytics, here’s a comprehensive look at what Fedica brings to the table:

Core Analytics Features:

  • Rich visual insights
    Extensive graphs and charts for engagement, reach, and audience analysis
  • Long-term data
    Analytics beyond just one year, starting from your Fedica registration
  • Advanced filtering
    Sort data by content queue, keywords, sentiment, metrics, location, language, gender, and occupation
  • Content performance
    Easily identify your best and worst-performing posts
  • Audience insights
    Detailed stats on your followers’ interests and behaviors
  • Post-level analytics
    In-depth stats for each individual post
  • Demographic breakdown
    Understand your audience by gender, country, region, city, age, and occupation
  • Engager tracking
    See who’s interacting with your content and access their profiles
  • Visual representations
    Maps showing where your engagement comes from worldwide and to the city level
  • Reach and distribution analysis
    Understand how far your content travels
  • Engager insights
    Track posts and activity of those who interact with you

Bonus Features in Fedica’s Audience X Analytics:

With Fedica, you’re not just getting numbers – you’re gaining a deep understanding of your social media community. This level of insight can transform your strategy from guesswork to data-driven decision-making, potentially accelerating your growth and engagement on the platform.

Remember, knowledge is power. The more you understand your audience and content performance, the better positioned you are to create content that resonates, engages, and ultimately grows your presence.

Don’t let limited analytics hold you back. Explore comprehensive tools that give you the full picture – your growth strategy will thank you.

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