Google Testing AI Overview Link Cards To Top






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Google is testing placing the link cards at the top of the AI Overviews box within Google Search. Instead of having them deep at the bottom, they are being tested at the top, which would clearly drive more clicks to publishers than the current implementation.

A Google spokesperson confirmed this is just a test and is not fully live.

This test was spotted by Bartosz Góralewicz who has a tracking tool for AI Overviews named Ziptie. He posted this screenshot on X:

Google Ai Overviews Link Cards New

Compare that to what I see:

Google Ai Overviews Normal

Yea, the only way to see the cards it to click “Show more” and then they show a at the bottom:

Google Ai Overviews Expanded Cards Bottom

Bart believes they are rolling this out more widely soon but I asked Google and they confirmed this is just a test.

Here is his post:

Here is some of the reaction from the SEO community on this:

And more reactions on LinkedIn:

Brandon Wentland, “Interesting… I like how the citations are MUCH more prominent than before, that is a big win for brands.”

Brennen Bliss, “Love this!”

Marcus Sandford, “Somewhat of an improvement, right? And a little different or “friendlier” to SEO than what a lot of us feared was coming next.”

Again, this is just a test…

Forum discussion at X.

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