100 Elf Quotes: Christmas Spirit to Make You Laugh Out Loud






Questing for Elf quotes?

The Elf movie, a Christmas comedy film starring Will Ferrell, is a long-time favorite with kids and adults.

It’s full of many memorable lines to make you – and your friends and followers – laugh!

We’ll kick off with a few of the funniest, then group them by:

  • Elf quotes about Christmas and Christmas spirit.
  • Sayings about Santa, and from Santa himself (played by Ed Asner).
  • Elf quotes about singing, syrup, and sugar.
  • And many more!

Sample the sweetness now.

ice skates on purple ice with elf hat and words Elf Quotes.
ice skates on purple ice with elf hat and words Elf Quotes.

Funny Elf Movie Quotes

Below are some of the favorite, and funniest, quotes from the movie Elf!

The movie was released in 2003 and written by David Berenbaum – but Will Ferrell did improvise many scenes and lines.

I am a cotton-headed ninny muggins!
~ Buddy

red graphic with elf hat and gold type saying cotton-headed ninny muggins.

Son of a nutcracker!
~ Buddy

I just like to smile. Smiling’s my favorite.
~ Buddy

Does somebody need a hug?
~ Buddy

You sit on a throne of lies!
~ Buddy

drawing of buddy the elf says I just like to smile, Smiling’s my favorite.
This illustration is ©PositivelyPresent and is used with permission. Do not download.

Buddy the Elf, what’s your favorite color?
~ Buddy answering the phone

Have you seen these toilets? They’re ginormous!
~ Buddy

So, good news… I saw a dog today.
~ Buddy

magenta graphic with elf hat and gold type saying Does somebody need a hug?

I’m sorry I ruined your lives and crammed 11 cookies into the VCR.
~ Buddy

Francisco! That’s fun to say! Francisco… Frannncisco… Franciscooo…
~ Buddy

That’s a very nice purple dress. It’s very purpley.
~ Buddy

quote picture says, That’s a very nice purple dress, It’s very purpley.

Elf Quotes About Christmas

Spread Christmas spirit with these fun sayings. Or commiserate with someone scrambling to get through it!

Christmas spirit is about believing, not seeing.
~ Santa

The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear.
~ Buddy

What’s a Christmas Gram? I want one!
~ Buddy

green graphic with elf hat and gold words, Christmas spirit is about believing, not seeing.

You have such a pretty face. You should be on a Christmas card.
~ Buddy

And where do the reindeer get their magic from? Christmas Spirit. Everybody knows that.
~ Papa Elf

I’m just trying to get through the holidays.
~ Jovie

You can find many more joyful Christmas quotes here!

purple graphic with elf hat and gold words saying I’m just trying to get through the holidays.

Elf Quotes About Santa

Of course Buddy adores Santa. Santa must be the best employer ever!

Will Ferrell imagined Buddy’s excitement to see a familiar face in New York and came up with a memorable scene.

Plus more quotes about Santa!

SANTA! Oh my God! Santa, here?! I know him! I know him!
~ Buddy

red image has gold elf quote, OMG Santa, I know him!

What about Santa’s cookies? I suppose parents eat those, too?
~ Buddy

Call me on my radio, channel three. Code word is: “Santa’s got a brand new bag.”
~ Elf movie

There’s room for everyone on the Nice List!
~ Buddy

green image has gold elf quote, There’s room for everyone on the Nice List!

You stink! You smell like beef and cheese, you don’t smell like Santa.
~ Buddy

Santa! I know him!
~ Buddy

Charlotte Dennon wants a Tiffany engagement ring and for her boyfriend… to commit already.
~ Elf movie

blue image has gold elf quote, You smell like beef and cheese, you don’t smell like Santa.

Santa is in Manhattan!
~ Elf movie

Santa, why are they chasing us?
~ Buddy

Quotes from Santa in Elf Movie

Memorable lines from Ed Asner as Santa.

Listen, some people, they just lose sight of what’s important in life. That doesn’t mean they can’t find their way again, huh? Maybe all they need is just a little Christmas spirit.
~ Santa

magenta graphic with elf hat says, Maybe all they need is just a little Christmas spirit.

Well, there are some things you should know. First off, if you see gum on the street, leave it there. It’s not candy.
~ Santa

That’s another thing… Buddy, you should know that your father… he’s on the naughty list.
~ Santa

You believed in me. You made my sleigh fly!
~ Santa

blue graphic with elf quote, You believed in me, You made my sleigh fly!

And if you see a sign that says “Peep Show,” it doesn’t mean that they’re letting you look at presents before Christmas.
~ Santa

Christmas spirit is about believing, not seeing. If the whole world saw me, all would be lost. The paparazzi have been trying to nail me for years.
~ Santa

I’ve been to New York thousands of times.
~ Santa

You might also like these winter quotes.

purple quote image with elf hat says Not now, Arctic Puffin!

Elf Quotes from the Candy Cane Forest

The Candy Cane Forest is a whimsical land Buddy must traverse to find his dad.

Hey Buddy, wanna pick some snowberries?
~ Puffin

Not now, Arctic Puffin!
~ Buddy

Bye Buddy, hope you find your dad!
~ Mr. Narwhal

green graphic has quote, Bye Buddy, hope you find your dad!

Then I traveled through the seven levels of the Candy Cane Forest, past the sea of twirly-swirly gumdrops, and then I walked through the Lincoln Tunnel.
~ Buddy

Of course you’re not [an elf]. You’re six-foot-three and had a beard since you were fifteen.
~ Leon the Snowman

Mark Twain quotes are also good for grins.

Elf Quotes About Singing

These quotes might just inspire you to start singing!

I’m singing! I’m in a store and I’m singing!
~ Buddy

magenta image with gold words, I’m singing, I’m in a store and I’m singing!

If you can sing alone, you sing in front of other people. There’s no difference.
~ Buddy

The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear.
~ Buddy

Sounds like somebody needs to sing a Christmas carol.
~ Buddy

I heard you singing.
~ Buddy

blue image with elf quote, Sounds like somebody needs to sing a Christmas carol.

Elf Quotes About Love

Buddy is so sweet and childlike in his love for Jovie, and his fellow man too! Here are some fun quotes to celebrate that innocent love.

I’m in love, I’m in love, and I don’t care who knows it.
~ Buddy

To the man on elevator. Oh, I forgot to give you a hug.
~ Buddy

hot pink image with elf quote, I’m in love, I’m in love, and I don’t care who knows it.

I think you’re really beautiful and I feel really warm when I’m around you and my tongue swells up. So… do you want to eat food?
~ Buddy

I love you! I love you! I LOVE YOU!
~ Buddy

I thought maybe we could make gingerbread houses, and eat cookie dough, and go ice skating, and maybe even hold hands.
~ Buddy

Check out these Taylor Swift lyrics about love.

picture quote says We elves try to stick to the four main food groups: candy, candy canes, candy corns and syrup.

Elf Quotes About Syrup and Sugar

We elves try to stick to the four main food groups: candy, candy canes, candy corns, and syrup.
~ Buddy

I love syrup. Oh, love it.
~ Buddy

You like sugar, huh?
~ Emily

Is there sugar in syrup?
~ Buddy

red graphic with elf hat says, I love syrup, Oh love it.

Reach out in front of you and take a sip. Don’t look.
~ Buddy

I planned out our whole day. First, we make snow angels for two hours, and then we’ll go ice skating, and then we’ll eat a whole roll of Tollhouse Cookie Dough as fast as we can, and then to finish, we’ll snuggle.
~ Buddy

You did it! Congratulations! ‘World’s Best Cup of Coffee.’ Great job, everybody. It’s great to meet you.
~ Buddy

Reach out in front of you and take a sip. Don’t look.
~ Buddy

No, it’s the world’s BEST cup of coffee.
~ Buddy

Speaking of slogans… you might need these Christmas slogans!

purple graphic has gold type with elf quote, He’s an angry elf.

Quotes About Elves from Elf

He’s an angry elf.
~ Buddy

He must be a South Pole elf.
~ Buddy

Oh, it’s not a costume. I’m an elf. Well, technically, I’m a human, but I was raised by elves.
~ Buddy

As you can imagine, it’s, uh, dangerous having an oven in an oak tree during the dry season.
~ Papa Elf

green picture of papa elf quote, it's dangerous having an oven in an oak tree.

It’s just nice to meet another human who shares my affinity for elf culture.
~ Buddy

Why don’t you just say it? I’m the worst toy maker in the world.
~ Buddy

It seems I’m not an elf.
~ Buddy

I… I’m not an elf, Santa. I can’t do anything right.
~ Buddy

purple square with quote, I’m not an elf, Santa, I can’t do anything right.

This place reminds me of Santa’s Workshop. Except it smells like mushrooms and everyone looks like they want to hurt me.
~ Buddy

Some call it ‘the show’ or ‘the big dance;’ it’s the profession that every elf aspires to—and that is to build toys in Santa’s workshop.
~ Elf movie

Especially when we build toys!
~ Buddy

We elves try to stick to the four main food groups: candy, candy canes, candy corns, and syrup.
~ Buddy

You might also need these funny Facebook quotes!

red image with gold foil words, you sit on a throne of lies.

More Elf Movie Quotes

Yes, there are yet more hilarious quotes from this fun movie!

I painted a picture of a butterfly!
~ Buddy

What’s more vulnerable than a peach?
~ Morris

~ Buddy

cute drawings on green with several funny elf quotes.
This illustration is ©PositivelyPresent and is used with permission. Do not download.

Oh, you just made my day!
~ Deb

Tickle fight! Tickle fight!
~ Buddy

Uh, you look like you came from the North Pole.
~ Walter Hobbs

Great! I got a full 40 minutes!
~ Buddy

hot pink image has elf quote, The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear.

Finger prick?! Can I listen to your necklace?
~ Buddy

Do you remember me?
~ Buddy

My finger has a heartbeat.
~ Buddy

Why are you smiling like that?
~ Gimbel’s Manager

red image with gold words, why are you smiling like that.

Very generous of you. Mm…
~ Buddy

I like to whisper too.
~ Buddy

I didn’t know you were naked.
~ Buddy

Call me elf one more time!
~ Miles

blue quote picture says, Call me elf one more time!

Oooh looks like a Christmas tree!
~ Buddy

Oh, by the way, don’t eat the yellow snow.
~ Buddy

We can’t just throw him out in the snow.
~ Emily

Why not? He loves the snow. He’s told me fifteen times.
~ Walter

bright red quote image says son of a nutcracker.

Who sent this Christmas Gram?
~ Walter

Um, Happy Birthday of course.
~ Gimbel’s Santa

I have houses in LA, Paris, and Vail; each one of them with a 70 inch plasma screen.
~ Miles

There’s a horrible noise coming from the evil box underneath the window.
~ Elf movie

magenta image with elf hat says smiling's my favorite.

You’re a fake.
~ Buddy

You disgust me! How can you live with yourself?
~ Buddy

How’d you like to be dead, huh? Ho, ho just kidding.
~ Gimbel’s Santa

What about this: a tribe of asparagus children, but they’re self-conscious about the way their pee smells.
~ Eugene

red graphic has elf quote, You’re a fake.

Actually, there’s a BIG difference.
~ Jovie

Are you sure it had nothing to do with the fact that I was naked in the shower?
~ Jovie

It’s alright, Buddy. Just how many Etch-A-Sketches did you get finished?
~ Ming Ming

And no farms. Everyone’s pushing small-town rural. A farm book would just be white noise.
~ Miles

No tomatoes. Too vulnerable. Kids, they’re already vulnerable.
~ Miles

magenta graphic has gold type saying, but first let me take an elfie.

Hobbs, Hobbs, Hobbs! If you walk out here, and you’re finished at Greenway! You’re finished!
~ Fulton

I appreciate it, Buddy is killing me. I’ve already got Lum Lum and Choo Choo pulling doubles.
~ Ming Ming

These forces are highly trained, but rarely see action. Some have accused them of being too gung-ho when called into duty. And their crowd control tactics at the Simon and Garfunkel concert in ‘85 were much too criticized.
~ Reporter

What do you want? Some money?
~ Walter

december 18 holiday is answer the phone like buddy the elf day on photo of will ferrell.

Elf-tastic Quotes!

I hope you loved these quotes. Which is your fave? Or know one to add? Leave a comment!

Pin one or two to your Pinterest board on quotes or Christmas.

And you might want to check out fun events like Buddy the Elf Day in this page of 250 December holidays.

Find quotes for every season and reason in these best quote sites.

Graphic of Buddy the Elf costume says 100 Elf Quotes to spread Christmas cheer.

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